Copy the application to your local machine (typically, to the Applications folder, but it can be anywhere). Open the disk image to get to the virtual disk containing the application and a shortcut to your Applications folder. To start, download GemStoneApp.dmg, a disk image of a Cocoa application. This blog post will describe how to use this tool.
For a while I’ve been playing with an alternative that makes it easier to install and run GemStone/S 64 Bit on a Macintosh. For someone who is used to the Macintosh’s consistent graphical user interface and who is not so familiar with configuring a Unix server, this tends to create a high barrier-to-entry.
That is, there are a lot of command-line steps and system configurations that are needed. GemStone/S 64 Bit has been available for the Macintosh for several years but you generally need to install and configure it much like you would do if you were on a Linux/Unix system.